== Changelog == = 1.7.3 - 12-03-2024 = * Fix - File uploader not working on Elementor pop-Ups. * Fix - Vendor conflict with our other addons. = 1.7.2 - 22-02-2024 = * Feature - Google calendar integration. * Fix - Required issue with Address field when conditional logic applied. * Fix - Email template not working when payment, after completed conditional logic is enabled. * Fix - Lookup field is not showing in mapping area of integration. * Fix - Deprecation of dynamic properties in Everest Forms PRO in PHP 8.2 Version. * Fix - Decimal number is not working with sub total field. = 1.7.1 - 26-12-2023 = * Fix - Fatal error on form submission when enabling email attachments and disabling entry storage. * Fix - Double Email Issue in Payment Conditional Logic. * Fix - Section Title Appears in PDF Despite Being Hidden via Conditional logic. = 1.7.0 - 05-10-2023 = * Refactor - Form Builder Design. * Enhancement - Changed checkbox option to toggle. * Fix - Conditional Logic Not Working for Total field. (Less than and greater than). * Fix - Critical issue with root sage theme. = 1.6.9 - 09-06-2023 = * Fix - PDF is empty when we enable attach form data in PDF. * Fix - Phone field not showing issue. * Fix - Notice issue when the server is not apache. = 1.6.8 - 30-08-2023 = * Enhancement - Blacklist the words. * Enhancement - File protection. * Feature - Lookup field. = - 20-07-2023 = * Fix - Release bug. = 1.6.7 - 19-07-2023 = * Enhancement - Auto-install and activate Everest Forms when clicking the link in the notice. * Fix - Submit button not working with text area when conditionally hidden in repeater fields. * Fix - Repeater Row, the Address field shows 'required' error when conditional logic is enabled. = 1.6.6 - 14-06-2023 = * Enhancement - Upgrade to the pro improve for dragging a field * Fix - Conditional Logic not Empty Rule not working with Multiple Choice and Checkbox Fields. * Fix - Critical error with WP Project Manager plugin. * Fix - Coupon code issue with fixed amount discount. * Fix - Schedule entry delete issue. = 1.6.5 - 08-05-2023 = * Fix - Form not showing to export entries while the storing entry information is disabled. * Fix - When Conditional Logic is enabled, the ReadOnly Visibility field does not work. * Fix - Two copies of the attachments sent in the email issue. * Fix - Critical issue while submitting the form when the Google listing ads plugin activated. * Fix - Unnecessary JS Load on Frontend. * Fix - Conditionally hidden field value removed from entry listing. * Fix - Postal code showing empty when the other address field is hidden. * Enhancement - Search forms in entries select. * Enhancement - Send CSV in email. * Enhancement - Smart Tag Support for HTML Field. * Enhancement - Serial number on entry listing table. * Feature - Certain IPs and Email Black List. = 1.6.4 - 28-03-2023 = * Fix - Signature field not showing in Email. * Fix - PayPal issue with repeater fields. * Fix - Design issue with WYSIWYG in elementor. * Fix - Choice field options do not update dynamically in the conditional logic input field. * Fix - Conditional logic not working on the section title. = 1.6.3 - 30-01-2023 = * Enhancement - Whitelist domain options. = 1.6.2 - 21-12-2022 = * Fix - Dropbox file upload issue. * Fix - Correct State value not showing in email and PDF. = 1.6.1 - 17-11-2022 = * Fix - Google Drive Integration issue. * Fix - State value not showing correctly in entries with default country * Enhancement - Added filter for sending form data to the custom URL in the webhook. * Feature - Subtotal Field. * Feature - Color Field. = 1.6.0 - 18-10-2022 = * Fix - Send file as Attachment issue. * Refactor - Multiple select2 code in the admin area. * Enhancement - Unique ID smart tag. * Feature - Print an individual entry. = - 27-09-2022 = * Fix - Progress field order issue. = - 27-09-2022 = * Fix - State field required even if value filled. = 1.5.9 - 26-09-2022 = * Enhancement - Dynamic country wise state dropdown. * Enhancement - OAuth in HubSpot. * Feature - Reset Field. * Feature - Progress field. * Refactor - Multi-select value code in the builder. = 1.5.8 - 31-08-2022 = * Enhancement - File validation check while file is not uploaded in the server. * Enhancement - Required field validation(Global setting, Individual setting). * Dev - File name filter. = 1.5.7 - 02-08-2022 = * Fix - Field required with conditional logic. * Fix - Row/Part Conditional logic with required fields. * Fix - Required issue when map is selected in address field of advanced option. * Fix - Conditional redirection multiple logic not saving. * Enhancement - File Uploads and Signature fields support for repeater. = 1.5.6 - 19-07-2022 = * Enhancement - Flatpickr on date range field of export entries. * Enhancement - Row setting for conditional logic. * Fix - Validate as unique issue when the field value is empty. * Fix - UI glitch on conditional match for dropdown field with multiple selections. = 1.5.5 - 06-07-2022 = * Fix - Field validation params miss match. = 1.5.4 - 06-07-2022 = * Enhancement - PDF send to Google Drive or Dropbox. * Enhancement - Select/Unselect on Select2. * Fix - Dynamic mapping issue in form builder. * Fix - Conditional logic field required issue. * Fix - Range Slider field min/max value glitch and default value validation. * Fix - Toggle PayPal and Stripe recurring subscription payments glitch. * Fix - Toggle Enable PayPal Standard. = 1.5.3 - 15-06-2022 = * Fix - Select-box field value not displayed in builder integration custom fields. * Feature - Conditional logic added in Multipart Form. * Feature - Form field icons added. * Feature - Advance Export Entries. = 1.5.2 - 19-05-2022 = * Feature - Validate as Unique. * Feature - Keyboard Friendly Forms. = 1.5.1 - 20-04-2022 = * Tweak - Colon removed from field label in PDF. * Fix - Signature field not working issue in twenty twenty two theme. * Fix - Likert and Rating fields not working issue in Save and Continue. * Fix - Undefined index 'enable_save_and_continue' issue. * Fix - Undefined index 'pdf_enabled' issue. * Fix - Required issue in Conditional logic when the field is hidden. * Fix - Conditional logic no working in Checkbox, Radio as payement items. * Enhancement - File upload message option added. * Enhancement - Payment fields support in repeater field for stripe. * Feature - Webhook (Send form data to custom URL). = 1.5.0 - 29-03-2022 = * Fix - Range slider not showing issue in entries and PDF. * Enhancement - Select/Unselect All options in dropdown field(multi-selection). * Enhancement - Exclude Some Countries in Country Field. * Feature - Field Visibility. * Feature - Popup Forms. = 1.4.8 - 01-03-2022 = * Fix - Entries sorting URL glitch. * Feature - WYSIWUG field. * Fix- Undefined Index issue in Whitelist domain. * Enhancement - Smart Tag for default value of Hidden Field = 1.4.7 - 03-02-2022 = * Enhancement - Amp plugin compatibility. * Enhancement - Form builder validation. * Enhancement - lost password in login form. * Feature - Whitelisted Domain. * Feature - Entries table sorting based on column value. * Fix - Google Drive Permission Issue. * Fix - Quantity field issue with single item. * Fix - Enqueuing Styles and Scripts issue. * Fix - Payment Redirection issue conditional logic. = 1.4.6 - 06-01-2022 = * Enhancement - Integration setting for google sheets. = 1.4.5 - 27-12-2021 = * Enhancement - File send as email attachment. * Enhancement - No Duplication option added to email field. * Enhancement - Auto delete entries older than certain time. * Enhancement - Conditional logic conditional redirection. * Fix - Number of icons empty issue. * Fix - Checkbox-Radio style customization issue. * Fix - Everest forms caching issue in Forms and Entries. * Fix - file preview max count glitches. = 1.4.4 - 17-11-2021 = * Enhancement - Column adjustment in entries table. = 1.4.3 - 26-10-2021 = * Enhancement - Conditional logic added for form submission redirection. * Fix - PayPal total invalid payament issue. = 1.4.2 - 16-09-2021 = * Feature - Added support for Repeater Fields. * Fix - Load scripts for Signature field conditionally. * Fix - Reset signatures when the viewport size is changed. * Fix - Signature field not working when they are conditionally hidden. * Fix - Signature field not working in multi-part form with multiple parts. * Fix - Console log JQMIGRATE: `jQuery.fn.removeAttr` no longer sets boolean properties. * Fix - Default Value for Payment Quantity Field. = 1.4.1 - 28-07-2021 = * Enhancement - Improve performance of dashboard analytics data. * Enhancement - Prevent duplicate SQL queries to improve performance. * Fix - Signature field not working with conditionally enabled. * Tweak - Password validation at back-end. = 1.4.0 - 17-06-2021 = * Feature - Integration with MemberPress and User Role Editor plugins to control capabilities. * Feature - Added divider field. * Enhancement - Stripe Recurring Payment with custom interval. * Enhancement - Required Indicators for Field Type. * Tweak - Change lost license key link. * Fix - File upload with unspecified extensions in WordPress. * Fix - Signature field image generation issue with PDF file. * Fix - Survey Polls settings checkbox glitches. * Fix - Dashboard Analytics issues for Graphs and Entries. * Fix - Delete uploaded files after removing Forms or Entries. = 1.3.9 - 11-03-2021 = * Fix - jQuery deprecated shorthands shown by jQuery Migrate. * Fix - Incorrect `wp_localize_script()` usage for conditional logic. = 1.3.8 - 26-01-2021 = * Fix - Introduce Japanese Yen currency support. * Fix - PayPal redirecting issue when Conditional Logic enabled. * Fix - Fatal error occurred when Everest Forms core is deactivated. = - 13-12-2020 = * Fix - PHP error while authenticating Google Drive. * Fix - Conditional logic preventing redirect to payment gateway. = - 04-11-2020 = * Fix - Plugin activation warning on PHP version below 7.1.3. = 1.3.7 - 16-10-2020 = * Feature - File Upload to external Google Drive and Dropbox services. * Enhancement - Add supports for Campaign Monitor Addon. * Fix - Country field default value selection. * Fix - Country selection throwing `[object Object]`. * Fix - Signature field not working in multi-part form. * Fix - Dashboard Analytics JS error thrown on editable entries. = 1.3.6 - 23-09-2020 = * Enhancement - Add supports for email Templates Addon. * Enhancement - Add supports for Google Sheets integration Addon. * Fix - The Zip/Postal code is replaced by Address 1 in Email. * Fix - In CSV export, for Signature field, the text "signature" comes as a value instead of the link. * Fix - Signature image is missing in exported PDF and email attachment. * Fix - Not Supported File type not throwing errors while uploading the file * Fix - Conditional logic issue with payment quantity field. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue with checkbox hidden. * Fix - Conditional logic for dropdown broken. = - 11-08-2020 = * Fix - Signature being cleared when scrolling in mobile. * Fix - Error message not showing on frontend file upload. * Tweak - WP 5.5 Compatibility. = - 29-07-2020 = * Fix - Raw serialized data fetched on CSV Export. * Fix - Privacy field formatting data without type check. = 1.3.5 - 15-07-2020 = * Feature - Entries analytics dashboard. * Feature - MailerLite Addon support. * Feature - Active Campaign Addon support. * Feature - Form Restriction Addon support. * Feature - Addded new Privacy Policy field. * Feature - Export single entry with quiz report. * Feature - Attach quiz report in email (in pdf format). * Feature - Added recurring (subscription) payment support. * Feature - Added Strong Customer Authentiation (SCA) support. * Fix - Conditional logic while comma on field options. * Fix - Next row ID being NaN which results in field override. * Fix - Payment Single field calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Signature field image link on email. * Fix - Survey report while using Likert field. * Fix - Phone field should not allow alphabet input but allow spaces. * Tweak - Show total unread entries count in the main entries menu. * Tweak - Improvement of phone field design and RTL is now supported. = - 19-05-2020 = * Fix - Conditional value not showing. * Fix - Conditional bug on the submit button while applying condition on field. = 1.3.4 - 18-05-2020 = * Fix - Conditional Logic block on Email, Submit Button and Payment. * Fix - Z-index issue on intlTelInput country list popup with HighendWP theme. * Fix - Address field preventing form submission when conditional logic is enabled. = 1.3.3 - 17-05-2020 = * Feature - Added a new Pro field Range Slider. * Fix - PHP 7.4 Undefined index notices in conditional logic checks. * Fix - Translation issue plus utilize wp_kses_post() to escape html. * Tweak - Updated intlTelInput JS library to v17.0.0. = 1.3.2 - 01-05-2020 = * Enhancement - Add support to country flags option. * Fix - Multipart progress bar not responding in IE bug. * Fix - Total amount calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Payment field calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Payment fields not working properly with conditional logic. * Tweak - PHPCS fixes. * Tweak - WPML compatibility for premium fields. * Tweak - Field exporter compatiable with PDF submission addon. = 1.3.1 - 06-04-2020 = * Fix - Localization for file upload. * Fix - Links not shown clickable in emails. * Fix - Selective html tag support in field label. * Fix - Logic implemented to AJAX validate during file upload. = 1.3.0 - 10-02-2020 = * Feature - Quantity field introduced. * Feature - Multiple file upload supported. * Feature - Address field's sub labels made editable. * Feature - Added password strength meter to password field. * Feature - Added password visibility toggle to password field. * Feature - Mark as read/unread and starred actions for entries. * Feature - Entry actions to Resend notification, Export to CSV, etc. * Feature - Required field message are made editable for pro fields. * Enhancement - Improve payment choice field with image support. * Enhancement - Robust the layout for displaying field choice i.e inline or {one|two|three} columns. * Enhancement - Improved conditional logic and Introduced conditional check for payment status on Email. * Fix - Real-time updates for Single Item field. * Fix - Restrict and format user money input field. * Fix - Single Item currency symbol bug on first load. * Fix - Choice default value not rendered on frontend. * Fix - Credit card field should default to being required. * Fix - Load `jquery-intl-tel-input` library if phone field format is smart. * Fix - Hide empty serialized data field like file and image upload in entry. * Fix - If not payment form hide status column in entries list table accordingly. * Tweak - Gutenberg block preview styles. * Tweak - Image links inside entry view is now clickable. * Tweak - Sortable design issue and smooth payment choices. * Tweak - Set {10|20|30} as default amount for payment choice field. = 1.2.10 - 11-12-2019 = * Feature - MailChimp groups supported. = 1.2.9 - 18-11-2019 = * Enhancement - Smart format for Phone fields. * Enhancement - Conditional logic operators. * Fix - WordPress 5.3 UI compatibility bugs. = 1.2.8 - 06-11-2019 = * Fix - File upload and Signature field compatible with TCPDF. = 1.2.7 - 19-09-2019 = * Fix - Design isuue on IE browser. * Fix - Conditional logic on payment Single item field. * Fix - Removed negative amount on payment field. * Fix - Total amount while payment single item field is set to user defined. * Fix - Calculation of total amount if the payment field is conditionally hidden. * Fix - Payment single item while required on field type hidden and pre defined. * Fix - Hidden field on Entries. * Fix - Conditional logic bug fixes. = 1.2.6 - 16-07-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Custom Captcha addon. * Feature - Add support for User Registration addon. * Feature - Add support for User Post Submissions. * Fix - MailChimp no list error. * Fix - Email issue with checkbox. * Fix - Likert field list option design. * Fix - Country code returning its full name in all fields. * Fix - Conditional Logic error on Payment and email section. * Fix - Fatal error while form ID not valid on conditional logic. * Tweak - Logo images for payment tab. * Tweak - Conditional logic box design style. * Tweak - Global validation required message included for signature field. = 1.2.5 - 04-06-2019 = * Fix - Submit button visibility issue on multi-part. * Fix - Undefined index due to incorrect isset check. = 1.2.4 - 28-05-2019 = * Feature - Introduced payments conditional logic. * Feature - Introduced Credit card field for stripe. * Feature - Introduced submit button conditional logic. * Fix - Conditional logic for form fields. * Fix - Issue with conditional logic first child. * Fix - Introduce multiple signature field support. * Fix - Freezing signature field in multi-part form. * Tweaks - Design improment and SASS refactor. = 1.2.3 - 02-05-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Zapier addon. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue on Payment multiple choice field. = 1.2.2 - 04-04-2019 = * Feature - Introduced Signature and Payement Charge Field. * Fix - Validation for number of ratings. * Fix - Undefined `wpColorPicker` in console. * Fix - Removed placeholder settiong from payment multiple choice and checkboxes. = 1.2.1 - 25-03-2019 = * Fix - Tooltip js issue. = 1.2.0 - 22-03-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Style Customizer addon. * Feature - Add support for Survey, Polls and Quiz addon. = 1.1.8 - 13-03-2019 = * Fix - Removed unnecessary `primary-input` class. * Fix - Removed extra placeholder in address field. * Fix - Validate uploader class with conditionally hidden rules. = 1.1.7 - 05-03-2019 = * Fix - deleting field used conditionally. * Fix - Conditionally hidden value submitted. * Fix - Payment gateway and transaction id on single entry. * Tweak - Validate message for Wordpress not permitted file type. = 1.1.6 - 31-01-2019 = * Fix - Conditional logic operator rules not being saved. * Fix - No required checked for conditionally hidden address field. * Fix - Conditional logic show/hide rules for country and address fields. = 1.1.5 - 21-01-2019 = * Fix - Conditional Logic bug with Checkbox. = 1.1.4 - 17-12-2018 = * Fix - Conditional Logic bug with form field elements. * Fix - Entry data from Paypal with checkbox Field * Tweak - Backward Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. = 1.1.3 - 06-12-2018 = * Tweak - Backward Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. * Tweak - Required version updated. = 1.1.2 - 03-12-2018 = * Tweak - Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue with similar field types. = 1.1.1 - 05-11-2018 = * Feautre - Introduced Conditional Logic For Email. * Enhancement - Input mask added on Phone field. * Fix - Escaping attribute for conditional logic. = 1.1.0 - 09-10-2018 = * Feautre - Introduced Conditional Logic. * Fix - Meta key required for HTML and title field. = 1.0.1 - 05-10-2018 = * Fix - Integration issue on Js while enabling conditional Logic. * Fix - Compatibility with lower php version. = 1.0.0 - 10-09-2018 = * Initial release.