=== Everest Forms (Pro) === Contributors: WPEverest Tags: Everest Forms, addon, features Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.5.3 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Everest Forms features and extensions controller. = Support Policy = We will happily patch any confirmed bugs with this plugin, however, we will not offer support for: 1. Customisations of this plugin or any plugins it relies upon 2. Conflicts with "premium" themes from ThemeForest and similar marketplaces (due to bad practice and not being readily available to test) 3. CSS Styling (this is customisation work) If you need help with customisation you will need to find and hire a developer capable of making the changes. == Installation == To install this plugin, please follow the [instructions on plugin installation](https://wordpress.org/support/article/managing-plugins/#manual-plugin-installation) given in this article. == Changelog == == Changelog == = 1.5.3 - 15-06-2022 = * Fix - Select-box field value not displayed in builder integration custom fields. * Feature - Conditional logic added in Multipart Form. * Feature - Form field icons added. * Feature - Advance Export Entries. = 1.5.2 - 19-05-2022 = * Feature - Validate as Unique. * Feature - Keyboard Friendly Forms. = 1.5.1 - 20-04-2022 = * Tweak - Colon removed from field label in PDF. * Fix - Signature field not working issue in twenty twenty two theme. * Fix - Likert and Rating fields not working issue in Save and Continue. * Fix - Undefined index 'enable_save_and_continue' issue. * Fix - Undefined index 'pdf_enabled' issue. * Fix - Required issue in Conditional logic when the field is hidden. * Fix - Conditional logic no working in Checkbox, Radio as payement items. * Enhancement - File upload message option added. * Enhancement - Payment fields support in repeater field for stripe. * Feature - Webhook (Send form data to custom URL). = 1.5.0 - 29-03-2022 = * Fix - Range slider not showing issue in entries and PDF. * Enhancement - Select/Unselect All options in dropdown field(multi-selection). * Enhancement - Exclude Some Countries in Country Field. * Feature - Field Visibility. * Feature - Popup Forms. = 1.4.8 - 01-03-2022 = * Fix - Entries sorting URL glitch. * Feature - WYSIWYG field. * Fix- Undefined Index issue in Whitelist domain. * Enhancement - Smart Tag for default value of Hidden Field = 1.4.7 - 03-02-2022 = * Enhancement - AMP plugin compatibility. * Enhancement - Form builder validation. * Enhancement - lost password in login form. * Feature - Whitelisted Domain. * Feature - Entries table sorting based on column value. * Fix - Google Drive Permission Issue. * Fix - Quantity field issue with single item. * Fix - Enqueuing Styles and Scripts issue. * Fix - Payment Redirection issue conditional logic. = 1.4.6 - 06-01-2022 = * Enhancement - Integration setting for google sheets. = 1.4.5 - 27-12-2021 = * Enhancement - File send as email attachment. * Enhancement - No Duplication option added to email field. * Enhancement - Auto delete entries older than certain time. * Enhancement - Conditional logic conditional redirection. * Fix - Number of icons empty issue. * Fix - Checkbox-Radio style customization issue. * Fix - Everest forms caching issue in Forms and Entries. * Fix - file preview max count glitches. = 1.4.4 - 17-11-2021 = * Enhancement - Column adjustment in entries table. = 1.4.3 - 26-10-2021 = * Enhancement - Conditional logic added for form submission redirection. * Fix - PayPal total invalid payament issue. = 1.4.2 - 16-09-2021 = * Fix - Load scripts for Signature field conditionally. * Fix - Reset signatures when the viewport size is changed. * Fix - Signature field not working when they are conditionally hidden. * Fix - Signature field not working in multi-part form with multiple parts. * Fix - Console log JQMIGRATE: `jQuery.fn.removeAttr` no longer sets boolean properties. * Fix - Default Value for Payment Quantity Field. = 1.4.1 - 28-07-2021 = * Enhancement - Improve performance of dashboard analytics data. * Enhancement - Prevent duplicate SQL queries to improve performance. * Fix - Signature field not working with conditionally enabled. * Tweak - Password validation at back-end. = 1.4.0 - 17-06-2021 = * Feature - Integration with MemberPress and User Role Editor plugins to control capabilities. * Feature - Added divider field. * Enhancement - Stripe Recurring Payment with custom interval. * Enhancement - Required Indicators for Field Type. * Tweak - Change lost license key link. * Fix - File upload with unspecified extensions in WordPress. * Fix - Signature field image generation issue with PDF file. * Fix - Survey Polls settings checkbox glitches. * Fix - Dashboard Analytics issues for Graphs and Entries. * Fix - Delete uploaded files after removing Forms or Entries. = 1.3.9 - 11-03-2021 = * Fix - jQuery deprecated shorthands shown by jQuery Migrate. * Fix - Incorrect `wp_localize_script()` usage for conditional logic. = 1.3.8 - 26-01-2021 = * Fix - Introduce Japanese Yen currency support. * Fix - PayPal redirecting issue when Conditional Logic enabled. * Fix - Fatal error occurred when Everest Forms core is deactivated. = - 13-12-2020 = * Fix - PHP error while authenticating Google Drive. * Fix - Conditional logic preventing redirect to payment gateway. = - 04-11-2020 = * Fix - Plugin activation warning on PHP version below 7.1.3. = 1.3.7 - 16-10-2020 = * Feature - File Upload to external Google Drive and Dropbox services. * Enhancement - Add supports for Campaign Monitor Addon. * Fix - Country field default value selection. * Fix - Country selection throwing `[object Object]`. * Fix - Signature field not working in multi-part form. * Fix - Dashboard Analytics JS error thrown on editable entries. = 1.3.6 - 23-09-2020 = * Enhancement - Add supports for email Templates Addon. * Enhancement - Add supports for Google Sheets integration Addon. * Fix - The Zip/Postal code is replaced by Address 1 in Email. * Fix - In CSV export, for Signature field, the text "signature" comes as a value instead of the link. * Fix - Signature image is missing in exported PDF and email attachment. * Fix - Not Supported File type not throwing errors while uploading the file * Fix - Conditional logic issue with payment quantity field. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue with checkbox hidden. * Fix - Conditional logic for dropdown broken. = - 11-08-2020 = * Fix - Signature being cleared when scrolling in mobile. * Fix - Error message not showing on frontend file upload. * Tweak - WP 5.5 Compatibility. = - 29-07-2020 = * Fix - Raw serialized data fetched on CSV Export. * Fix - Privacy field formatting data without type check. = 1.3.5 - 15-07-2020 = * Feature - Entries analytics dashboard. * Feature - MailerLite Addon support. * Feature - Active Campaign Addon support. * Feature - Form Restriction Addon support. * Feature - Addded new Privacy Policy field. * Feature - Export single entry with quiz report. * Feature - Attach quiz report in email (in pdf format). * Feature - Added recurring (subscription) payment support. * Feature - Added Strong Customer Authentiation (SCA) support. * Fix - Conditional logic while comma on field options. * Fix - Next row ID being NaN which results in field override. * Fix - Payment Single field calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Signature field image link on email. * Fix - Survey report while using Likert field. * Fix - Phone field should not allow alphabet input but allow spaces. * Tweak - Show total unread entries count in the main entries menu. * Tweak - Improvement of phone field design and RTL is now supported. = - 19-05-2020 = * Fix - Conditional value not showing. * Fix - Conditional bug on the submit button while applying condition on field. = 1.3.4 - 18-05-2020 = * Fix - Conditional Logic block on Email, Submit Button and Payment. * Fix - Z-index issue on intlTelInput country list popup with HighendWP theme. * Fix - Address field preventing form submission when conditional logic is enabled. = 1.3.3 - 17-05-2020 = * Feature - Added a new Pro field Range Slider * Fix - PHP 7.4 Undefined index notices in conditional logic checks. * Fix - Translation issue plus utilize wp_kses_post() to escape html. * Tweak - Updated intlTelInput JS library to v17.0.0. = 1.3.2 - 01-05-2020 = * Enhancement - Add support to country flags option. * Fix - Multipart progress bar not responding in IE bug. * Fix - Total amount calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Payment field calculation with different currencies. * Fix - Payment fields not working properly with conditional logic. * Tweak - PHPCS fixes. * Tweak - WPML compatibility for premium fields. * Tweak - Field exporter compatiable with PDF submission addon. = 1.3.1 - 06-04-2020 = * Fix - Localization for file upload. * Fix - Links not shown clickable in emails. * Fix - Selective html tag support in field label. * Fix - Logic implemented to AJAX validate during file upload. = 1.3.0 - 10-02-2020 = * Feature - Multiple File and Image Upload. * Feature - Address field's sub labels made editable. * Feature - Added password strength meter to password field. * Feature - Added password visibility toggle to password field. * Feature - Mark as read/unread and starred actions for entries. * Feature - Entry actions to Resend notification, Export to CSV, etc. * Enhancement - Improve payment choice field with image support. * Enhancement - Robust the layout for displaying field choice i.e inline or {one|two|three} columns. * Fix - Real-time updates for Single Item field. * Fix - Restrict and format user money input field. * Fix - Single Item currency symbol bug on first load. * Fix - Choice default value not rendered on frontend. * Fix - Credit card field should default to being required. * Fix - Load `jquery-intl-tel-input` library if phone field format is smart. * Fix - Hide empty serialized data field like file and image upload in entry. * Fix - If not payment form hide status column in entries list table accordingly. * Tweak - Gutenberg block preview styles. * Tweak - Sortable design issue and smooth payment choices. * Tweak - Set {10|20|30} as default amount for payment choice field. = 1.2.10 - 11-12-2019 = * Feature - MailChimp groups supported. = 1.2.9 - 18-11-2019 = * Enhancement - Smart format for Phone fields. * Enhancement - Conditional logic operators. * Fix - WordPress 5.3 UI compatibility bugs. = 1.2.8 - 06-11-2019 = * Fix - File upload and Signature field compatible with TCPDF. = 1.2.7 - 19-09-2019 = * Fix - Design isuue on IE browser. * Fix - Conditional logic on payment Single item field. * Fix - Removed negative amount on payment field. * Fix - Total amount while payment single item field is set to user defined. * Fix - Calculation of total amount if the payment field is conditionally hidden. * Fix - Payment single item while required on field type hidden and pre defined. * Fix - Hidden field on Entries. * Fix - Conditional logic bug fixes. = 1.2.6 - 16-07-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Custom Captcha addon. * Feature - Add support for User Registration addon. * Feature - Add support for User Post Submissions. * Fix - MailChimp no list error. * Fix - Email issue with checkbox. * Fix - Likert field list option design. * Fix - Country code returning its full name in all fields. * Fix - Conditional Logic error on Payment and email section. * Fix - Fatal error while form ID not valid on conditional logic. * Tweak - Logo images for payment tab. * Tweak - Conditional logic box design style. * Tweak - Global validation required message included for signature field. = 1.2.5 - 04-06-2019 = * Fix - Submit button visibility issue on multi-part. * Fix - Undefined index due to incorrect isset check. = 1.2.4 - 28-05-2019 = * Feature - Introduced payments conditional logic. * Feature - Introduced Credit card field for stripe. * Feature - Introduced submit button conditional logic. * Fix - Conditional logic for form fields. * Fix - Issue with conditional logic first child. * Fix - Introduce multiple signature field support. * Fix - Freezing signature field in multi-part form. * Tweaks - Design improment and SASS refactor. = 1.2.3 - 02-05-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Zapier addon. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue on Payment multiple choice field. = 1.2.2 - 04-04-2019 = * Feature - Introduced Signature and Payment Charge Field. * Fix - Validation for number of ratings. * Fix - Undefined `wpColorPicker` in console. * Fix - Removed placeholder setting from payment multiple choice and checkboxes. = 1.2.1 - 25-03-2019 = * Fix - Tooltip js issue. = 1.2.0 - 22-03-2019 = * Feature - Add support for Style Customizer addon. * Feature - Add support for Survey, Polls and Quiz addon. = 1.1.8 - 13-03-2019 = * Fix - Removed unnecessary `primary-input` class. * Fix - Removed extra placeholder in address field. * Fix - Validate uploader class with conditionally hidden rules. = 1.1.7 - 05-03-2019 = * Fix - deleting field used conditionally. * Fix - Conditionally hidden value submitted. * Fix - Payment gateway and transaction id on single entry. * Tweak - Validate message for WordPress not permitted file type. = 1.1.6 - 31-01-2019 = * Fix - Conditional logic operator rules not being saved. * Fix - No required checked for conditionally hidden address field. * Fix - Conditional logic show/hide rules for country and address fields. = 1.1.5 - 21-01-2019 = * Fix - Conditional Logic bug with Checkbox. = 1.1.4 - 17-12-2018 = * Fix - Conditional Logic bug with First Name and Last Name. * Fix - Entry data from Paypal with checkbox Field * Tweak - Backward Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. = 1.1.3 - 06-12-2018 = * Tweak - Backward Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. * Tweak - Required version updated. = 1.1.2 - 03-12-2018 = * Tweak - Compatible with Everest Forms Core Multiple Email. * Fix - Conditional Logic issue with similar field types. = 1.1.1 - 05-11-2018 = * Feautre - Introduced Conditional Logic For Email. * Enhancement - Input mask added on Phone field. * Fix - Escaping attribute for conditional logic. = 1.1.0 - 09-10-2018 = * Feautre - Introduced Conditional Logic. * Fix - Meta key required for HTML and title field. = 1.0.1 - 05-10-2018 = * Fix - Integration issue on Js while enabling conditional Logic. * Fix - Compatibility with lower php version. = 1.0.0 - 10-09-2018 = * Initial release.